Ilya Leshukov / Konstantin Semenov left in a playoffs of a stage of World round of beach volleyball Still Other sports

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Moscow, 30 Apr - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Russians Ilya Leshukov and Konstantin Semenov left in the second round a playoffs of a stage of World round on beach volleyball in Cancun (Mexico). Ilya Leshukov / Konstantin Semenov within group G Rodolfo Ontiveros / Juan Virguen - 2-0 (21:15, 23:21) and Netherlands to steam Brauer Alexander / Robert Meuvsen - 2-0 (21:15, 21:16) won against the Mexican duet. Russians became the first in the quartet and will play in the second round a playoffs. Russians Nikita Lyamin and Myskiv Taras in the first match of group B lost to Germans to Elers Nils and to Lars Flyuggen - 0-2 (15:21, 17:21). Women have Russians Nadezhda Makroguzova...