Minprosveshcheniya will replace history textbooks in the Russian colleges

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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History textbooks where insufficient illumination of a course of the Battle of Stalingrad was revealed, will be replaced in colleges the countries by new academic year, the minister of education Sergei Kravtsov declared on April 27 to journalists. The minister also promised that in establishments where such textbooks "were used the history course" will be strengthened. The deputy minister Catherina Tolstikova also reported that textbooks will be finished with attraction, in particular, new materials which were declassified recently. Let's remind, verification of textbooks was begun after words President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin that still exist...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 685
Sergei Kravtsov
Catherina Tolstikova
Last position: Deputy minister (MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA)
Volobuev Oleg