To Leningrad Region deputies hand over mandates in protest at cutting down of trees

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In Novaya Ladoga Volkhov district Leningrad Region the administration after all started implementation of the scandalous plan of improvement of the city center providing large-scale cutting down of trees. The FederalCity news agency repeatedly reported about the fight which was conducted with variable success of inhabitants by Novaya Ladoga and activists eco-defenders against preparing "improvement" of the central Karl Marx Avenue. But now the authorities once again violated the promises to take down only sick and become obsolete trees. Those larches which were recognized as the healthy are exposed to destruction even...
Igor Nikolaevich Tsygankov
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal entity Novaya Ladoga urban settlement of the municipal district Volkhovsk of the Leningrad region)
Romantsov Artem
Milyavsky Aleksey
City administration
Government Agency