As the IT companies estimated effect from "the second package" supports

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At the beginning of April Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation brought the second package of measures of support of IT industry in the government: initiatives concern the most different technological markets, and their rather large number. IAA of informational and analytical agency "TelecomDaily" interrogated participants of the IT market, what effect, according to their forecasts, will have these offers if they are accepted. For example, there can be an investment tax deduction for those who introduces domestic software and "iron". Foreign resources in network which use data of Russians for advertizing, are threatened "by a digital tax". Privileges for Russian commercial TSODOV — and bodies are discussed also...
Dmitry Shushkin
Main activity:Official
Vladimirsky Eugenie
Shapovalov Alexander
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "Abbyy"
Main activity:Communication and IT