Top-5 of the movies which have received "Oscar", with participation of animals

@Veterinarija i zhizn'
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In the run-up to the 93rd 89th Academy Awards edition of the <12> Veterinary science and life edition prepared a top of the movies nominated for this prestigious award, with participation of animals. Text: Likarchuk Julia "Babe: The four-footed kid", 1995 (Babe), a rating of "Kinopoisk" – 7.0. The movie of the director Chris Nunen was nominated for "Oscar" in 1996. The tape was presented in seven nominations and recognized as the best for "The best visual effects". Besides, the same year the movie took "The gold globe" in the nominations "The Best Movie (Comedy or Musical)". It is history about adventures of incredibly clever pig...
Likarchuk Julia
Kumbs Gary
Karni Art
Guggenkhaym Davis