Воронежские депутаты снизили плату за детсады и дали бизнесу отсрочку

В Гордуме утвердили ряд изменений, которые помогут отдельным категориям...
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Andrey Pomerantsev
Last position: The deputy, the vice-chairman of the constant commission on development of local government, to interaction with public associations and deputy ethics, the member of the constant commission on work with the municipal enterprises and to development of infrastructure of certain territories of the city district (Voronezh City Council)
Roman Zhogov
Last position: Chairman of Committee on local government, public relations and means of mass communications (Regional Duma of Voronezh )
Vladimir Fedorovich Khodyrev
Last position: Chairman (Voronezh City Council)
Krutskikh Dimitri
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Main activity:Science and education
Kindergarten No. 67
Kindergarten No. 83