Manizha Sangin, Syuzanna and Irina Gorbacheva acted in large-scale campaign of adidas

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adidas started new campaign of "Impossible Is Nothing" ("nevozmozhny probably"), devoted not a new collection of a brand of things, and its key values – the inclusivity, steady development, reliability, – shown through achievements in sports and creativity. As tells the Grazia magazine, within a flashmob the brand publishes in website "Instagram" a photo of star ambassador in an unusual format: in pictures it is visible only eyes of heroes, and...
Manizha Sangin (Manizha)
Last position: Singer
Irina Gorbachyova
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Nnemkadi Chinve Victoria Ogvumike (Nneka Ogvumike)
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (BQ "Los Angeles Sparks")
Tatyana Mingalimova
Last position: Video blogger, leader of YouTube channel "Gentle editor"