23 volleyball players are called on educational and training collecting in Novogorsk for preparation for the main starts of a season

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The trainer's staff of the women's national team Russian Federation caused on gatherings of 23 volleyball players for preparation for League of the nations, the Olympic Games to Tokyo and to final tournament of the championship Europe. The part of sportswomen arrived to educational and training collecting in Novogorsk on the Monday, remained will arrive to collecting on May 1. Russian Federation was included into structure of candidates for the national team the following volleyball players: Binding: Catherina Lazarev ("Dynamo", Krasnodar), Matveeva Paulina ("Zarechie-Odintsovo"), Tatyana Romanova ("Dynamo", Moscow), Eugenia Startsev ("Dynamo", Kazan); Diagonal: Gorbunova Valeria ("Lipetsk"), Xenia Smirnov ("Uralochka")...
Catherina Lazarev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Dinamo" Krasnodar city)
Eugenia Startsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
Natalia Goncharov
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")
Darya Malygina
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (ASSOCIATION "VK TULITSA")