In northeast states India in the XXI century discussed topical issues of the migratory and interethnic conflicts in RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES

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On April 16, 2021 the monthly student's scientific seminar "Interdisciplinary researches in the countries South Asia" took place. Event was held in the mixed format. Seminar subject: "The social and interethnic conflicts during an era of digitalizations, modernizations and pandemization (on the example of State of Assam, India)". The seminar is held within competitions "Student's design research teams of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES - 2021" and is included in the List of actions for 2021. At a seminar Professor Kandarpa Das, the rector the State Open universities Krishna Kant Handiki's name (Guwahati, Assam, India) carried out...
Stolyarov A. A.
Gaziev I. A.
Pechishchev L. A.
Kiseleva Sofya
Mukhametkhanova Amina