Four ways to synthesis: pluses and minuses of various approaches to nuclear energy

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Nikiforova Anastasia the News editor Pochti century of scientists were tormented by prospect of receiving a perennial spring of energy with help nuclear synthesis. Unfortunately, creation of the controlled environment in which nuclear kernels can continuously merge under the extreme pressure and temperature to make energy which we can catch, very difficult. However it does not mean that in science there are no impressive achievements. We tell about various approaches to nuclear synthesis and the reasons for which one can be more perspective, than others. Synthesis and division: in what difference? Synthesis...
Nikiforova Anastasia
Sakharov A. D.
Tamm I. Ye.
Planek Maxime
Washington university
Main activity:Science and education
Natsionalny university
Manufactured by:MPIK
Technology creator:Layman Spittser