Handball. President of "Kielce": Korolek Artem — an example of professionalism, always gives all the best completely

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The president of "Kielce" Bertus Servaas called the Belarusian linear Korolek Artem by an example of professionalism. Defeat from "Nantes" became for us big shock. We analyze the reasons, and I think that any decisions will be made within three weeks. First of all we have to find the reason for which so many players were not in an optimum form. Certainly, such happens, but similar cases in our team was too much. "Nantes" deservedly passed further. But I consider that we after all are stronger. So it turned out that we waited for matches with "Tsele" or "Zagreb", and got to "Nantes". On peak of a form have to...
Alex Duyshebaev Dovichebaeva
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (Handball club "Vive Tauron Keltse")
Korolek Artem
Nai Dilyan
Volff Andreas