"Cadiz" on departure beat Football club "Khetafe"

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In the 30th round Spanish "Cadiz" on departure changed Examples Football club "Khetafe" with the minimum score 1:0. The only goal in a match is written down on the halfback of owners of Timor Davide who was mistaken at interruption of prostrelny transfer of the rival in a penalty area. Soccer. Spain. Example of Hetafa — Cádiz 0:1 Gol:0:1 Timor Davide (autogoal) (64') to Hetafa: Soriya Davide, Daconam Ortega Llene, Nyom Allan (Suares Damian, 70'), Olivera Mathias (Josete Miranda, 84'), Timor Davide, Takefusa Kubo (Ankhel Louis Rodriges Dias, 51'), Alenya Carlos, Mark Kukurelya Saseta, Mauro Uilney Arambarri Rosa, Maksimovich Nemanya (Portilyo Fransisko, 70'), Jaime Mat...
Mark Kukurelya Saseta
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Brayton end Khouv Albion")
Mauro Uilney Arambarri Rosa
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Khetafe")
Football club "Khetafe"
Main activity:Culture and sports