Guests of opening of exhibitions Aleksey Dubinsky in MMOMA
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Ryabtsova Anastasiya, Kryukova Alina, Linovich Eugenia and others Last night MMOMA turned into a congestion of the Moscow heroes of society columns NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" museum presented a personal exposition Aleksey Dubinsky. Exhibition, passed with support of Triumf Gallery and service of the bonus classes Ultima of LLC "YANDEKS" Go, carries the name "Light of the Star and Labyrinth of the Minotaur", it is devoted to internal human life, his memory and self-identification. The main part of an exposition NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" is 14 cloths, on each of which the room is represented. Everyone is in own way unique, after all is a haven of different characters and the witness...
Ryabtsova Anastasiya
Kryukova Alina
Linovich Eugenia