The memorial evening of the Belarusian sculptor Nikolay Nesterevsky passed in NBB

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On April 8, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The memorial evening of the known Belarusian artist-ceramist, the sculptor, the painter Nikolay Nesterevsky passed today in National library Belarus, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta" ". To Nikolay Nesterevsky 90 years had to be executed on March 31, 2021, and to this anniversary was planned to organize exhibition. Unfortunately, on March 25 the artist did not become. Nevertheless we brought an exposition to Minsk", - the director told the Dyatlovsky local history museums Tyushlyaeva Olga. At exhibition "Belarus. " 50 works are presented to the personality. "We very much would like...
Tyushlyaeva Olga
Vasilkovich Irina
Krasyuk Fedor