"Elar" will create a technological platform for "A total dictation" in Moscow and Novosibirsk

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The project the Zakazchiki:totalny dictation Education and science Podryadchiki:elar (Electronic archive, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION OPYT"), Sbklaud (earlier - JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AY-TEKO" New engineering technologies, Novintekh) Product: Projects of IT outsourcing Second product :S BCloud Business Data (SBData) Sbklaud Cloudy platform (Business Klaud Business Cloud) project Date: 2019/03 - 2021/03 Technology: IT outsourcing contractors - the 609th projects - 1870 systems - the 102nd vendors - 80 Technology: IaaS (Infrastructure-aaS) - IaaS (Infrastructure-aaS) contractors - the 168th projects - 822 systems - 341 vendors - 164 Technology: PaaS (Platform-aaS) - PaaS (Platform-aaS) - the Business platform as service...
Olga Rebkovets
Main activity:Official
Helena Khanga
Last position: Author of YouTube channel "KhANGost"
Artem Vartanyan
Last position: Executive director (LLC "NSK")
Gudina Larissa
Farobin Jaroslaw