Sports arbitral tribunal reduced disqualifications of athletes Ukhov Yvan, Galitskaya Catherina, Kondakova Julia and Shkolina Svetlana an edition Choice

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Sports arbitral tribunal) reduced terms of disqualification of the Russian athletes Ukhov Yvan, Galitskaya Catherina, Kondakova Julia and Shkolina Svetlana. About it it is reported on the official site of the organization on April 7. As a result of consideration of appeals of Sports arbitral tribunal reduced the term of disqualification of the Olympic champion-2012 Ukhov Yvan, Shkolina Svetlana and Kondakova Julia from four to two years and 9 months. Galitskaya Catherina — till three years. Thus the jumper Ukhov Yvan remains without gold London — cancelled all its results, since July 16 of the 2012th, and Shkolina Svetlana — without World Cup-2013 gold in Moscow. In addition appeal...