In the city began large-scale works on cleaning, without waiting for the All-Russian community work day

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With the first dates the Eagle entered an active stage of spring transformation. repair roads and improvement of domestic territories, but on special control — cleaning of the carriageway, sidewalks, stopping points and public territories of peskosolyany mix, garbage cleaning is actively conducted. Daily the mayor Orla Youri Nikolaevich Parakhin travels over the city to estimate as its assignment is carried out — not to wait for the All-Russian community work day, and already now to the maximum to bring an order. Sovetsky rayon almost coped with a task, but problem points after all remain. So, on the maintenance of the square of N. A. Semashko...
Youri Nikolaevich Parakhin
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Oryol)
Artem Levkovsky
Last position: Deputy head-chief of Territorial Department for Sovetsky district (Administration of Oryol)
Sovetsky rayon