Pandemic chronicles

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To Russian Federation the Russian physicians register the third day in a row less than 9 thousand new cases of Koronavirus. For the last days 8328 diseased is revealed. 389 lethal outcomes are recorded. 8902 persons recovered. The prime minister Mikhail Mishustin declared that it is important not to allow situation deteriorations with Koronavirus about which probability warn a number of experts in connection with the third wave in other countries. According to the head of the government, to Russian Federation the situation remains stable some weeks in a row. Mikhail Mishustin added that "it is necessary to take quickly measures to secure citizens against an infection and...
Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshy (Joe Biden)
Last position: President of the United States of America (President of the United States)
Mikhail Mishustin
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Anna Popova
Last position: Head, Chief state health officer of the Russian Federation (Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare)
Sergei Nikolaevich Avdeev
Last position: Head of the department of pulmonology of medical faculty (FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY))
Thierry Breton
Last position: The European commissioner on domestic market