Fedor Opadchy is appointed by the head "System operator"

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Moscow. April 6. information agency "Interfaks" - Board of directors "The system operator" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SISTEMNY OPERATOR YEDINOY ENERGETICHESKOY SISTEMY") appointed Fedor Opadchy the chairman of the board, company reported. Before Fedor Opadchy worked as the deputy of preboard. " Fedor Opadchy works in "The system operator" for many years and is one of the most skilled experts in questions of functioning of the market of the electric power and power. Its experience, knowledge and a support on professional team will help to conduct company on the way developments, setting the tone in the solution of the questions raised before branch by the management Russian Federation", - are quoted in the message the operator...
Fedor Opadchy
Main activity:Official
Boris Ilyich Ayuev
Main activity:Official
Shulginov Nicholas
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water