In Cambodia registered 63 new cases of local infection of Koronavirus and one death from an infection
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In Cambodia on Monday registered 63 new cases of local infection Koronavirus new type/COVID-19/and one death from an infection. About it it is spoken in the statement of Ministry zdravookhraneniya. Among new cases 31 it was recorded in capital Phnom Penh, 22 - to Province of Svay Rieng, six - in the province Prea-Sihanouk, two - to Province of Kampong Chhnang, two - in provinces Province of Kandal and Province of Prey Veng, it is noted in the statement. the 42-year-old citizen China died from an illness on Sunday evening in hospital the Khmer and Soviet friendship in the capital. Koronavirus it was revealed at it on March 27. "Doctors came to...