The authorities Moscow Region will carry out trial of death of the football player

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On Sunday the 18-year-old football player of youth structure of club "Work Banner" situated near Moscow died during a match trial plans to lead Sidorov Nikita MINISTRY SPORTA Moscow Region in connection with death of the 18-year-old defender of a youth team of football club "Work Banner" situated near Moscow . The minister of physical culture and sport reported Moscow Region Roman Teryushkov. "At us traditionally after such cases there passes the commission. We create it after that we make the decision — Roman Teryushkov told. — At the football player everything was passed. Here, of course, it is necessary...
Roman Teryushkov
Main activity:Official
Sidorov Nikita
Puzanov Mikhail
Zaborovsky Yvan
Main activity:Culture and sports
Municipal institution GFK "Znamya truda"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Government Agency