Details of death of the 18-year-old football player from Moscow Region became known during a match

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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For his life fought half an hour the 18-year-old football player of the team "Work Banner" situated near Moscow Sidorov Nikita died during a match. As specifies Life, the tragedy happened in five minutes after Sidorov Nikita left in the field. According to the director MUNICIPAL INSTITUTION GFK "ZNAMYA TRUDA" Puzanov Mikhail, to the football player right there ran out the trainer, the doctor of team and the father of the player. Then there arrived physicians and the reanimobile. For life of the guy fought half an hour. But, alas, it was not succeeded to rescue it. While it is precisely not known why life of the football player so suddenly broke. The preliminary diagnosis of the doctor – "an aneurysm of vessels of a brain". Let's add that...
Sidorov Nikita
Puzanov Mikhail
Main activity:Culture and sports
Municipal institution GFK "Znamya truda"
Main activity:Culture and sports