Bagavudin Aliev is awarded the order gold "Honour and Pride of Dagestan — a Gold Eagle"

@Lezgi gazet
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The plenipotentiary envoy 2 classes (the general - the lieutenant), the career diplomat, the candidate of historical sciences, the member "Soyuz zhurnalistov Russia", "SZHR", finished diplomatic service in the rank of the consul general Russian Federation in Jeddah, to Saudi Arabia Bagavudin Aliev...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 689
Bagavudin Aliev
Last position: Consul general (Consulate-general of the Russian Federation in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia))
Gusaev Magomedsalikh
Arukhov Zagir
Abdulzhelilov Gasanguseyn