In Taraz opened the Plaited white bread monument қ aarmany to Baytasov Gaziz

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The ceremonial opening of a monument of the Plaited white bread қ aarmany to Baytasov Gaziz took place in Taraz, the correspondent of International information company "Kazinform" reports. In day of the 50 anniversary of the hero flower-laying to the monument of the Plaited white bread built in Zhenis park қ aarmany to Baytasov Gaziz , a moment of silence and a triple automatic volley took place. At a ceremony of opening of a monument Akim Province of Jambyl Saparbaev Berdibek noted that the name of the police captain Baytasov Gaziz is forever entered in a group of heroes independent Kazakhstan. It the first and only among law enforcement officers is awarded the highest rank Halyk...
Arystangani Rasilkhanovich Zapparov
Last position: Head of the department of police of Almaty region (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Zhanat Suleymenov
Main activity:Official
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Baytasov Gaziz
Saparbaev Berdibek