The daughter for the first time presented Tolkalina to public of the young elect
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The other day stars gathered for a series "Happy End" premiere. Among invited was and Mikhalkova Maria - Maria Mikhalkova-Konchalovskaya with the elect. Producers of the project about steel Bondarchuk Sergei and Aleksey Alekseevich Kisilev. As the director Eugenie Sangadzhiev acted, it is declared and as the coauthor. Role in series was played Tronina Helena, by Ilyashenko Lukerya, Aleksey Mikhaylovich Agranovich, Gorchilin Alexandra. On the prime minister of a multiseries tape Lyubov Tolkalina Mikhalkova Maria - Maria Mikhalkova-Konchalovskaya under a hand with the young spouse noticed also the daughter - the girl for the first time brought to the public the elect. Couple got married in September of last year. Husband...