Topical issues in the field of information systems

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On March 30 on chair of computing systems and informatics Institutes water transport FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "GUMRF NAMED AFTER ADMIRALA S. O. MAKAROVA" the round table "Day of science", devoted to topical issues in the field of information systems and technologies on transport under the chairmanship of doktoratekhnichesky sciences, professor Marley Vladimir took place. Students took part in action 2 and 4 courses of the direction of preparation 09.03.02 "Information systems and technologies" (chair of computing systems and informatics), and also the graduate student of the direction 09.06.01 "Informatics and computer facilities". As listeners acted...
Павел Михайлович Мовчан
Last position: Journalist, poet, screenwriter
Marley Vladimir
Krupenina Natalia
Makshanov Andrey
Yegorov Alexander