On Domashny TV channel the premiere of the melodrama "In Three Days prior to Love"] will take plac

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Display of a 16-serial tape will begin on April 5. (Kazan, on April 1, information agency "Tatar-inform"). Since April 5 on Domashny TV channel at 19.00 on weekdays starts display of the premier 16-serial melodrama "In Three Days prior to Love" leading roles in which played Karpenko Anastasiya, Denisenko Anton and Yegorkina Darya. Three days which will change life of two. In the modern world everything changes with an incredible speed. Today you are successful and rich, and tomorrow think of a daily bread. The beauty and the clear head Dana (Karpenko Anastasiya) considered herself as the minion of fortune. It was able to afford everything, after all nearby loyal friends, and in a purse not...
Alexander Kobzar
Main activity:Official
Yegorkina Darya
Vasilyeva Helena
Tkachenko Alexander
Maslennikova Alla