The national team Russian Federation lost Denmark and did not leave in a playoffs of youth ChE-2021

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Defeat 0:3 from Danes the national team Russian Federation in Hungarian Szombathely finished on March 31 the performance in the youth Championship Europe on soccer. The national team Denmark owned advantage and could cause a stir twice already in the debut of a meeting. Bruun Yakub - Larsen scored the first goal on the 10th minute, then on the 11th Dreyer Anders caused a stir. On the 90th minute Carlo Kholse recorded on a board final result 0:3. Thus, Russian Federation with three gathered points and the third final place in group C ahead of schedule leaves the youth Championship Europe 2021. Let's remind that in group C together with the national teams Russian Federation and...
Carl Yohan Kholse Yustesen
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Rusenborg")
Bruun Yakub
Dreyer Anders