5 celebrities which went to a monastery, but then returned

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Sometimes wants to throw habitual life and to start everything with a clean slate. Sounds inspiring, but with such rushes it is worth being more careful — it can back want. Collected stories of celebrities which left the career for the sake of religion, but then changed the mind. Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev After a premiere of cult series "Crew" where Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev played one of leading roles, in his life the black strip began. In 1998 leukemia took away his 12-year-old sister Nastya, the father committed suicide after a while, then mother died of heart failure. Having remained absolutely alone, Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev lodged in one of...
Vladimir Gundyaev (Kirill)
Last position: Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (The Russian Orthodox Church)
Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev
Last position: Actor, singer, film director
Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin
Last position: Actor, film director, producer
Trofimov Sergei