"PARMA" changed the "Balkans" and for the first time reached "the Final of Four" Cup of International federation of basketball

@V kurse
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On a way to the final two Dutch clubs and two Bulgarian obeyed the Perm team. In Botevgrad in 1/4 Cups Europe International federation of basketball "PARMA" beat local club of "Balkans" 84:62. It allowed Maksvitis Kazis to reach "the Final of Four" Cup Europe International federation of basketball. Decisive games will take place at the end of April, 2021. The most productive in "PARMA" steel Yushkyavichus Adas - 18 points, Mareks Meyeris and Eygirdas Zhukauskas - on 10 points. Earlier "In kurse.ru" told about a victory of the Perm team over basketball players from Bulgaria...