A fantasy with Ridley, the fairy tale Prefecture of Miyazaki, romky with Geremy John Ayrons. Prime ministers of week

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 25 Mar — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Nekhaeva Anna. The choice "on what to go to cinema" this week is difficult. Among premieres — not only a picture about a meeting of the Godzilla and Konga, but also an adventure Daisy Ridley on a planet of men in "A chaos gait". And still "Love, weddings and other accidents" with Geremy John Ayrons and Kiton Diane. It is possible to reconsider the restored masterpiece Khutsiev Marlene "A July rain". And with children — to descend on Goro's anime Prefecture of Miyazaki. About the most curious movies — in material Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Noise and fur coat the Long-awaited premiere — an adventure action "A chaos gait" with Thomas Stanley Kholland and Daisy Ridley. Action happens...