The ex-Minister of Culture Youri Pavlovich Bondar is appointed the rector Respublikanskogo institutes the highest schools

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The former Minister of Culture Belarus Youri Pavlovich Bondar is appointed the rector "Republican institutes the highest schools", it will replace on this post Gaysenok Victor. About it reported on Monday in the ministry of educations ". Today the minister of educations Igor Karpenko presented the new rector to RIVSh collective", - is spoken in the department message. In Minobre noted that Youri Pavlovich Bondar well knows the theory and practice of the highest schools, has a wide experience administrative activity in establishment of the highest educations, including on a post of the rector universities culture and arts. He is the candidate of political sciences, the associate professor, the author...
Anatoly Markevich
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Culture of Republic of Belarus)
Youri Pavlovich Bondar
Main activity:Politician
Igor Karpenko
Last position: Chairman (Central commission Republics Belarus at elections and holding republican referenda)
Gaysenok Victor
Government Agency