The Russian became the second KM in offset on a snowboard in parallel types

@RBK Sport
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The Russian snowboarder Dmitry Alekseevich Loginov became the third in similar offset of the World Cup among man's athletes the Russian snowboarder Nadyrshina Sophia took a final second place in World Cup offset in parallel disciplines, having conceded leadership to only the German sportswoman Ramona Hofmayster. The winner of the overall ranking in parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom gathered 593 points, having outstripped 17-year-old Nadyrshina Sophia on 61 points (532). The three of the strongest sportswomen the Swiss closed Zhyuli Tsogg (512). Other Russian sportswomen could not get to fifteen best snowboarders...
Dmitry Alekseevich Loginov
Last position: The professional athlete on a snowboard
Nadyrshina Sophia
Bykova Mylena