The Russian Nadyrshina Sophia became the second in World Cup offset on a snowboard in parallel disciplines

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Following the results of the World Cup the sportswoman gained 532 points. The Russian snowboarder Nadyrshina Sophia in World Cup offset in parallel disciplines took the second place. German Ramona Hofmayster got the first place, 593 points are registered for her, the three of leaders was closed by the Swiss Zhyuli Tsogg (512). The Russian Loginov Dimitri in man's offset in parallel disciplines took place on the third place with results 333 points. On the first place the Italian March Aaron (424), the Austrian got the second place Andreas Prommeggeru (339). Earlier Russian snowboarder Nadyrshina Sophia became the silver prize-winner in...
Nadyrshina Sophia
Loginov Dimitri
March Aaron