Один из назначенных Путиным членов ЦИК ответил на критику «Голоса»

@Daily Storm
Центризбирком прислушается к конструктивной критике, а цели выпадов отдельных лиц всем давно знакомы, сказал Игорь...
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Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Ella Pamfilova
Last position: Chairman (Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation)
Nicholas Ivanovich Bulaev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation)
Elmira Khaymurzina
Last position: Member of the commission (Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation)
Nikolai Levichev
Last position: Member of the commission (Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation)