Memories Khadakhane Maria

@Novye issledovanija Tuvy
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We, literary critics and specialists in folklore of TIGPI, deeply mourn for death Khadakhane Maria , our deeply esteemed mentor on science, Teachers of teachers, the true carrier and the keeper of spiritual culture of the people of Tyva Republic, the scientist-literary critic, the specialist in folklore, the literary critic, the member of the Union of writers and journalists of RT and Russian Federation, the publicist, the translator, the teacher. Our Bashky represents a group of scientists-pioneers of tniiyalets. Its scientific biography began in far the 1955th when the graduate of Irkutsk state university, along with Kalzan A. K., Kuular D. S., became...
Ayas Sendizhepovich Dongak
Last position: Chairman of administration (Administration of Turan)
Khadakhane Maria
Kalzan A. K.
Kuular D. S.
Khadakhane M. A.