Museum Alabin in Samara was headed by Kochetkov Andrey

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The director the Samara museums of P. V. Alabin became the known journalist and the regional specialist Kochetkov Andrey. On Friday March 19 the ideologist of a festival" Soyer Tom the Festival", the art head of the Metafest festival Kochetkov Andrey is appointed to a post of the director museums of P. V. Alabin. As told in Regionalny Minkult, for the new director set the task to create the concept of developments museums and to carry out his reconstruction. "It is necessary that the events held by museum, were demanded and favourite inhabitants of the region. At museums and its branches there is a high potential for growth. The main objective — to restart...
Kochetkov Andrey
Soyer Tom
Regionalny Minkult
Government Agency