The agenda of meeting of board RST OF THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA on 26.03.2021

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Meeting of Board RST OF THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA 430005, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Kommunisticheskaya St., 33, a building 2, ph. 8 (8342) 39-23-80 "26" of March, 2021 of P O of B E of S T K A Nachalo of meeting of Board at 10:00 the No. Name of Cases in Point materials Responsible for preparation 1. About the approval of production programs and establishment of tariffs for drinking water supply and water disposal for LLC "MORDOVVODOKANAL" for 2021 in the territory of the Plodopitomnichesky rural settlement of the Ruzayevsky municipal area of Republic of Mordovia Sergachev T.A. .