Vice-president of FEDERATSIYA VODNOGO POLO Russian Federation: "There is a wish to believe that arrest Vlasenko Aleksey is a misunderstanding"
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The vice-president of FVPR Zholobov Oleg commented on information on arrest of the head of the organization Vlasenko Aleksey. According to messages of mass media, Vlasenko Aleksey are imputed fraud in especially large size. "There is a wish to believe that this misunderstanding, the parties will understand a situation and the person will appear on freedom. Sincerely I want that at Vlasenko Aleksey everything was resolved. It is clear that now for all these shock. After all it is serious charges. If business is tightened, the federation will need to resolve organizational issues. How to operate federation, that preparation and financing national teams...
Vlasenko Aleksey
Zholobov Oleg
Main activity:Culture and sports