Students of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES got acquainted with new opportunities of software products EOS: in IINTB passed a master class about EDMS opportunities "BUSINESS"

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In Institute information sciences and technologies safety (IINTB) of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES on February 22, 2021 there passed a master class on a subject "The review of opportunities of EDMS "BUSINESS". Dimitri Nikolaevich Matveev, the Head of department digital marketing Company EOS, told students about current trends of developments systems Electronic document flow, their roles in business processes of the organizations and in digitalizations as a whole. In the performance Dimitri Nikolaevich Matveev considered the major trends, key calls to EDMS during kovid-crisis and the requirement of customers to EDMS during a "udalenka" era. Further the speaker in detail stopped on existing and new...