In the Catalan city declared the king Spain "persona non grata"

@Novaja gazeta
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At plenary session of council of the Catalan city Sant-Kugat-del-Valles declared Philip's VI Spanish Felipe Khuan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Burbon i Gresiya "persona non grata". About etompishet Catalan El Nacional edition. It will allow the area Valles-Oksidental which includes the San Kugat municipality - del - Valyes, to declare itself "republican and antimonarchical". Mirey Ingl's mayor specified that the Left Republicans <4> Catalonia party into which she enters, voted as a whole against a monarchy, instead of for the announcement the persona non grata of the specific person. "The announcement the persona non grata only harms to the person and does not mention a root...
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