Latvia can grow rich! Investigation found in a deposit subsoil

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About that it is possible to find ores of non-ferrous metals in a subsoil of the Latvian earth, the first conversations after finding of independence began in 2011 when of that time the president Latvia Andris Voldemarovich Berzinsh and the prime minister Dombrovskis Valdis visited Canada and Corp, including from companies working in this the geologist and living in Canada our compatriot Bite Andrey met there representatives of the geological enterprise Inventus of Mining, writes Newspaper of Latviyas Notice.  It and other representatives of firm induced our management to studying of a subsoil and search of metal ores. Canadians consider that...
Andris Voldemarovich Berzinsh
Last position: The member of the commission by inquiries of Diet of the Republic of Latvia
Dombrovskis Valdis
Bite Andrey