A classical anti-trust against tariff regulation//Opinion of experts on the first 100 days Maxime Alekseevich Shaskolsky as chapter of Federal Antimonopoly Service

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On November 11 to a position of chapter Federal Antimonopoly Service bylnaznachen Maxime Alekseevich Shaskolsky. Whether something changed in service work? Survey of antimonopoly experts was conducted by the senior research associate THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII" and the member of Advisory council at the Government Novikov Vadim. Main conclusions: while it is not enough changes. That will be farther — not clearly, but experts assume that the service will be engaged in more tariff regulation, and classical antimonopoly affairs becomes less. 100 days — sufficient term to see the first results. On supervision Novikov Vadim, changes while generally...