Notes of the Yoshkar-Ola fisherwomen: The weaker sex goes on a predator

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These Yoshkar-Ola girlfriends can be met often together on the river. Catch Ludmila Odintsova and Dektyareva Vera practically at any time years, it is frequent on Volga, around Oak. Both from the coast, and from a motor boat, and from ice. Girlfriends prefer to hunt for predatory fish. And ulovy at them practically always the decent: both pikes happen, and pike perches, and bershi. Girlfriends also kulinarka excellent. And therefore the caught fish dishes, prepared then, already at home, are very various, appetizing and tasty. Quite often they share a fresh catch with native and familiar. Here and a holiday table in honor of the spring female...
Ludmila Odintsova
Last position: Deputy (Smolensk city council)
Dektyareva Vera
Kashkova Helena