The authorities Georgia designated imaginations of fear of opponents of constructions hydroelectric power station

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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Modification of the project of the cascade of Namakhvansky hydroelectric power station on Rioni's river is possible if constructions sounded by opponents arguments are based on real problems, instead of on imaginations, chapter of Ministry of economy and sustainable development of Georgia Natiya Turnava after a meeting with inhabitants of Tsageri declared on March 5. Tsageri is in 55 km from Namakhvani's settlement of Tskhaltubsky municipality of the area Region of Imereti. Turnava together with the minister of environment Levan Davitashvili held a meeting with the citizens opposing constructions. About two hundred locals gathered for a meeting. "Questions on which is were asked...
Natela Turnava (Natiya)
Last position: Minister (Ministry of economy and sustainable development of Georgia)
Levan Davitashvili
Last position: Minister (Ministry environmental protections and rural economy Georgia)
Bidzina Ivanishvili
Main activity:Politician