Deputy "United Russia" Party: abortions need to be brought out of compulsory health insurance as they damage health and a demography

@Afisha Daily
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The deputy Moscow City Duma from "United Russia" Party Ludmila Stebenkova commented on the recent initiatives of the party which have sounded at conference of the Strong Family project. Among them — will lock promotion of bisexuality, a poliamoriya and a transgendernost, and also restriction on carrying out abortions. The deputy was interviewed by online newspaper "". Ludmila Stebenkova, the Strong Family project coordinator, considers that "promotion of nonconventional orientation, child-free, a transgendernost and various similar currents does not promote increase in birth rate in the country and to overcoming of demographic crisis". As with it it is connected...
Ludmila Stebenkova
Main activity:Politician
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Krupennikov
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on development of civil society, questions of public and religious associations (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)