Kirovsky district arrested the head of administration for 2 months
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Primorsky district court of Saint Petersburg passed the decision on imprisonment of Alexey Koltsov — already former head Kirovsky district. The official will stay under arrest two months. It became known of results of a court session on Friday, March 5. According to Online47 data, this measure was chosen Aleksey Koltsov according to the consequence petition. Before published video of detentions the official. To the former head of the area impute intended […] Court removed a ban on construction a restaurant complex in Murinozavod in the Resident of Ulyanovsk which makes packing for world brands, Tosnensky's head rayonaglavu visited Kuzmolovsky...
Aleksey Koltsov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Kirovsk of the Leningrad region)
Kirovsky district