Belarus expects to increase deliveries to the largest province on population Pakistan

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The ambassador Belarus in Pakistan Metelitsa Andrey visited the capital of Province of Punjab Lahore. Belarusian cable agency "Belta" reported about it in the Belarusian diplomatic mission. The meeting of the ambassador with the governor of the province Mahomed Sarvar took place. The invitation to visit the Minsk and Mogilyov areas - partner regions Province of Punjab is transferred to it. The head of the Belarusian diplomatic mission also carried out a series of the meetings directed on strengthening of economic interaction with the Pakistan province. It held negotiations with the management of municipality and Chamber of commerce & industry the cities, the local companies...
Said Mansur Naderi
Last position: Leader (Party of national solidarity Afghanistan)
Metelitsa Andrey
Akhmad Niaz
Chamber of commerce & industry