The world champion in a snowboard of Loginov Dimitri is adjusted to win the Crystal globe

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Moscow, 4 Mar - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Satdinov Ildar. The triple world champion in a snowboard Loginov Dimitri in interview of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" declared that is aimed to win the overall ranking of the World Cup in parallel disciplines in the current season. Loginov Dimitri (322 points) are in the lead in the overall ranking of the World Cup in parallel disciplines. The second place is taken by the Austrian Andreas Prommegger (287 points). Until the end of a season there were two World Cup stages. "Surely I want to win the World Cup. I will work for this purpose, I hope that everything will turn out", - told Loginov Dimitri. In the World Cup to Slovenia Loginov Dimitri won gold and bronze...