website "Instagram" did not punish the person who has derided death of the father of the player of "Seltik" of Daffi Shane. The Irish also called fenianets
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The defender "Seltika" and combined Ireland Daffi Shane underwent insults in website "Instagram". One of users of a social network laughed over death of the father of the 29-year-old football player, and most Daffi Shane designated fenianets. This term usually designates the hostile attitude towards Irish. Feniya – the Irish petty-bourgeois republican revolutionaries of the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX century, members of the secret organizations "Irish republican brotherhood" (IRB). Daffi Shane wrote in February: "There are insults, and it is normal, but, of course, to all there is a limit". website "Instagram", however, decided not to punish in any way...
Floriane Kamberi
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Daffi Shane